
We always give you the straight goods. If your existing air conditioner is worth keeping or servicing, we’ll tell you.

Our prices always represent competitive and fair market value.

We won’t sell you what you don’t need.

We’ll make sure your air conditioner unit is sized for best results and energy efficiency, and not because a supplier is offering discounts.

We don’t believe in gimmicks or fine print. HVAC systems are complex enough that you don’t need to be confused with package promotions that often result in the WRONG solution for your home.


Reliable, dependable central air conditioning from Home Climate Pro

Central air conditioning ottawaWe install high-efficiency cooling systems in homes in Winchester, Chesterville, Morrisburg, Richmond, Kanata, Stittsville, and Ottawa that help save your hard earned money and keep you comfortable.

Central air conditioning systems do need to be matched correctly to your home to ensure good performance and efficient cooling. The indoor and outdoor units need to be matched correctly to gain the highest efficiency. What’s more, a central air conditioning system that is bigger than you need is not necessarily better. For optimum comfort and efficiency, an a/c needs to be “right-sized”.

Did you know that 33% to 50% of air conditioning systems are over sized?

This costs you money by using more energy, increases equipment costs and creates more humidity in your home which reduces comfort. Having a properly sized air conditioning system means that the unit has time to dehumidify the home properly which increases overall comfort.

We will match an air conditioner to your home and existing furnace properly and unconditionally.

For better pricing call us off season and avoid the peak season rush.

Efficiency Ratings for Central Air Conditioners

The Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) is a metric that measures the cooling efficiency of air conditioners and heat pumps.  A higher SEER rating means greater energy efficiency. However, there are trade-offs in terms of return on investment and real-world, practical performance. To determine the SEER rating that meets your needs it’s important to consider your lifestyle, how you use, and how often you use your air conditioner, and your preferred temperature settings.

We will help you select the central air conditioner with a SEER rating that represents the best value.

SEER Savings Chart

Serious about energy savings? Consider an ECM motor option

ecm motor

ECM, or DC motors are efficient motors that replace the conventional air conditioner motors in heating and cooling systems. A DC motor has a much more efficient design and can save you as much as 26% in electrical costs during the heating season and 14% during the cooling season. Click here to learn more about ECM motors from the Government of Canada’s Canadian Centre for Housing Technology.

central air conditioning Ottawa